"I am not unique enough to teach improv" - 3 tips for finding a topic

Do you feel like you are not very different from other improv teachers? Or that there are too many teachers out there anyway?

Let's talk!

I have 3 tips for you for finding a topic that you can teach. Easy-peasy!

And afterwards I am inviting you to a free Zoom session with me!

To summarize:

  1. You are never unique to yourself. Ask others.

  2. Combine your non-improv passion with improv. Know that your future students (=improvisers) love new, surprising combinations.

  3. Not getting ‘up’ to teach is safe. And that is okay. But if you di take a shot, there will be people out there waiting to see someone like YOU teach. Who you are is unique.

Here is also the link to the free workbook to discover what you could be teaching.

Join me on Tuesday 23rd of February at 19:00 CET in this free Zoom session and let me help you find your first / next workshop topic.

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