Online courses are my Magical Fairy Land


Do you enjoy learning? 

I do. I love it. Always have. 

Remember that kid in school that always wanted to say the answer? Miss Smarty Pants? The teacher’s pet? 🙋‍♀️ Yo, that was me. 


In improv, I am still that nerd. 

Taking all the workshops I can fit in while I teach at a festival. Asking people for recommendations for instructors. Nosing in other people’s bookcases for improv books. (As if I don’t have a dozen unread improv books waiting for me…)


But these times…

I am not at festivals anymore. 

Or hanging out with other improvisers. 

Or even near other people’s bookcases. 


As much as I want to organize a little cry party over this, ‘these times’ do have something else now. 

The Magical Fairy Land of Limitless Improv in Every Timezone. And it is hiding behind this sign: 🌐


The online landscape is filled with jams, workshops, panel discussions, podcasts, and drop-ins. But that is not where yours truly is hanging out.


These days I am a little obsessed with online video courses. 

The ones that I can access at any time of the day, to watch videos, do quizzes and fill in workbooks. Which I do. 


Video courses mimic the classroom perfectly and I am again the ambitious kid in the first row. Not skipping any module, engaging in the closed Facebook group, organizing co-working sessions with classmates. And when the course’s quiz displays the wrong answer, I will email the teacher that I spotted a mistake. Yes, I did. 


Maybe you are like me. Though based on my memory of the classroom statistics, chances are you are not (as much). 

But if you like learning, do something with it! 


Look for a course. Short, long, free, paid. 

Learn something new.

Grab the opportunity of ‘these times’. 


It is The Magical Fairy Land of Limitless Learning. 

Play in it. 




In April my own video course ‘Teaching Improv With Confidence’ starts again.

Want me to email you when signups open (and get a nice bonus)? 

Put your name on the Interest List. No strings attached.



Portrait of girl, standing in a box.

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