5 videos with 5 exercises - In The Meantime

These times are… Unusual, to say the least.

But also better times are ahead.

And now… I am sort of in that ‘meantime’. Where I want / need some fun, but I also crave that it is easy and with low expectations.

That is how I this week I followed my own advice of how to stay happy and sane. I executed the 5 simple exercises from the In The Meantime Guide.

Where did I get that guide? Here: www.lauradoorneweerd.com/free-guide. For free!

I made it for myself and shared it with others, who also needed an fun and simple way to work on their craft.

Last week I went on live video every day. To talk about the 10 minute exercise and actually do it myself. Here is what I got out of it:

🔵 1. Feel the feels

Find this exercise in the guide

I did some free writing on 'Why I love improv'. Then I did the brainstorm exercise to find a new way for me to enjoy the process of 'Making first, judging later': making not-good art with paper.

Results probably never to be published… ;-)

🟢 2. Pick up the unread improv book

Find this exercise in the guide

I did 10 minutes of reading in 'Improv Wisdom', and I loved it. Talked to my friend who read more than just the prologue. I probably will finish it.

🟡 3. Find 1 new improv exercise

Find this exercise in the guide

I chose to look at old notebooks and I found actually 2 exercises I forgot about. One of them is: present yourself to the group describing one of your flaws. Oof, so good!

🟠 4. Talk with someone interesting

Find this exercise in the guide

In the 10 minutes for this exercise I wrote an email to a colleague that does something that I want to do in the far future (= organize live days for European participants of my teachers course). In the meantime he already wrote back and I got such great intel.

This one was the most out of my comfort zone and I am so happy I did it! I feel inspired to continue this vague future plan of mine.

🔴 5. Make a fun curriculum

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In this exercise we make a fun curriculum for ourselves. I wanted to learn more about Bollywood and used this exercise to draft a little list of fun things I could watch/read in approx. 3 hours.

This was the result:


I genuinely felt the effect of doing these 5 exercises: they made me feel like I achieved something, and it got me inspired and excited about my field again.

It was also fun to make something for myself (teacher role) and then actually do it (student role). I can be my own teacher :-D

Maybe I will go through the exercises again next week, just to keep me happy & sane.

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