How I helped these 3 improvisers when they said ‘I have nothing to teach'

In my Zoom session about finding a topic, I had a bunch of improvisers in the room and I helped them find something to teach.

In this live video I will share 3 examples of improvisers thinking ‘I have nothing to teach…’ and what I have told them.

These 3 reasons were mentioned:

  1. I am not a full-time improviser.

  2. I am not as funny/fast/loud. I always play [something else].

  3. I am not good at one thing. I am a bit of everything.

Let me explain to you how your 'weakness' is your superpower.

Just audio

Video + audio

P.S. The sound is slightly not aligned with the video. If that bothers you, then just listen.

P.P.S. Click on the wheel in the bottom to add the autogenerated captions!

Here is also the link to the free workbook to discover what you could be teaching.

Join me on Tuesday 2nd of March at 10:00 CET in this free Zoom session and let me help you find your first / next workshop topic.

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